& Resources
Interested to know the method behind our madness?
Take a look through the articles below to get the inside scoop on some of our valued resources on what we do and how we do it. In the world of the web, one must be prepared to confront what is an ever-changing and ever-evolving system!

WordPress Sherpa & Emagine Re-branded
New Twin Websites: Same Dedicated People & Services For those of you who haven’t heard, WordPress Sherpa & Emagine Web Marketing have (finally) rebranded and made their partnership official! While we’ve worked together for the better part of 8 years now, we’ve...
The Difference Between Low-End and High-End Web Service Providers
In the world of web design, there is a large gap between the cheapest web service provider and the most expensive web service provider; with many in between. You can have a basic website or blog created for as little as a few hundred dollars or several thousand...
11 Websites a Web Designer should know about
Often the best websites I come across are through others' recommendations; quality content rarely comes from any of my search efforts, which is why I wanted to share my top 15 sites. These are websites that I visit on (almost) a daily basis. I recommend you take some...
Godaddy Zone file settings with Google Apps & WP Engine Hosting
Recently I had a WordPress site that I migrated from Rackspace hosting to WP Engine hosting. When it was time to launch the site on the new WordPress hosting service I ran into a bit of trouble figuring out the right DNS settings for their DNS file which was located...
What makes a good WordPress hosting provider?
A website is only as good as its host – and you want a great website host. Ideally, you want the best hosting for WordPress.In order for your users to have a great experience and stay on your site, there are a few factors that you need to consider. As well, ensuring...
4 Key Points to know when hiring a Freelance WordPress Developer
What you didn’t think about discussing in the hiring phase that will help your project go smoothly and quickly As an expert Freelance WordPress Developer for over 10 years, I have made some observations that seem to hold true from client to client and project...